Sunday, August 21, 2011

Finding my focus (again)

Well, I'm back again....

Getting back into the "habit" of writing in a blog will be difficult but I'm doing my best. Just to let folks know what I've been up to for the past year or so, I'm working on experimenting with different ways to make money online. Passive income, multiple streams of course.

The gurus make it sounds pretty easy, and once you have a "pattern" down and a few basic skills in can be. However, learning those skills can take awhile as many of you may have found out too. Developing habits that support your business rather than hinder it is another issue, staying focused on what actually works can be a real difficult thing when you are getting several emails per day screaming about the latest technique for making money (like $10,000 in the next 2 weeks, or whatever).

I've learned to tune out the B.S. and focus on what I do best - namely put up well researched, laser-focused micro-niche sites that get traffic with little or no backlinks. This is important, because if you must spend a huge amount of time building thousands of backlinks then you lose time.

The reason I had to start doing this was out of some financial need since I lost my job in a layoff back in October 2010. I was determined to make that the best thing that ever happened to me, and turn what most would consider a "negative" into a compete and utter positive gain by becoming financially free with my own business.

Along the way, I learned a lot about marketing. I learned a lot about Google, and how fickle she can be (I say she because Google is a woman to me). I also learned a lot about myself, what I'm made of, and how far I have to go in order to make this dream of mine come true.

I never thought it would be easy, and now after about 10 months of slowly building my sites, doing more research than I've ever done before, watching countless videos on how to do every thing from Wordpress tweaks to being more productive, I'm making about $1000 a month. Not bad, but not nearly enough! So lately I've focused once again on what's working, and trying to do more of it. That is my basic philosophy, find what works and do more of it - oh, and be as productive as possible every single day.

Find your focus, take massive action, and keep track of the results! If you don't know how far you've come, you don't know how far to go, so track everything in your business. For that matter, track everything in your life! What's working? My diet program, my exercise program, when do I sleep and for how long, how much "me" time do I get every week?

These are the things I'm focusing on now, so let me get to work....

Make every day count - Doug

Friday, August 19, 2011

Where do you find motivation?

Hello again - it's been awhile and I'm really disappointed in myself for not keeping up with this blog. My intentions were to at least contribute a few posts every month, but then I was laid off from my job on October 8, 2010 and had to get REALLY serious about my business.

That's a good thing, of course. But the bad thing was, it left little time for me to do what I wanted to do including this blog. Now that nearly 10 months has passed, I'm somewhat successful at my business again and want to share what I've learned.

Not only that, I also want to start writing down my thoughts again since I have lost a bit of direction lately, focusing so much on my business that I'm quickly becoming a "drone" that only does one thing all day every day.

Anyone relate to that in the internet marketing biz? I'm sure you can - however I need to get myself re-motivated to write down my thoughts each day so STARTING TODAY I plan on doing that. Hold me to it. Or not, since nobody reads this blog anyway, but hopefully that will change soon if I make it a daily habit!

See you tomorrow, Doug