Saturday, June 7, 2008

Power of habits make your success faster

Good Day,

I was thinking about how our habits seem to shape our lives, whether it's the habit of getting up on time (or late) every day, the habit of being healthy and eating right, or habits like getting really ticked off when someone cuts you off in traffic. Do you have bad habits? I guess we all do, right? Maybe that's a hard thing to admit, but take a few minutes to think about it...I'll wait.

Did you write down 1 or 2, or a whole list of bad habits? What is the cost of those bad habits, I wonder. We all try our best to avoid bad habits, at least that's what we tell ourselves. And every year on January 1st we make our resolutions that maybe this year we can eliminate another bad habit or two. What do you think would happen if we suddenly decided to make a list of "good" habits that we wanted to start or maintain, instead of focusing on those bad habits and how to quit them? Wow, what a concept. Focusing on what we want, instead of what we don't want? I know, you don't do that. But you would be amazed at how often people do, without realizing it, they are focusing so much on what they don't want that they seem to get more of the same. That is, of course, the Law of Attraction, which basically states that you get what you think about most. So if you're trying to lose weight, don't think about how fat you are, think and focus on becoming more fit every day.

I'm getting off track here though. What I really wanted to discuss is the many good habits we could all be focusing on, not just losing weight. My list looks something like this:

1. Be unrelentingly positive at all times
2. Be focused on the bright future you have
3. Develop the habit of good moral values
4. Make discipline your daily habit
5. Make it a habit to help others, every day
6. Have gratitude for the wonderful life you have

This list is for me, I'm not saying it fits with anybody else plans for the near future. But if you really want to be a better person, reach your goals, and make the most positive and successful life you can imagine, filled with happiness not only for yourself but others around you, make a list too. Think about what you need to do in order to fulfill your life with the best you can possibly have, whatever that may be. Make your habits live up to the kind of person you know you need to be, but don't think of the "bad" ones you already have. Think of the good habits you wish to develop, the bad ones will take care of themselves soon enough when you realize you are too good to keep them. Soon, your personal power and your self-esteem will be so high that any bad habits you have will disgust you and they will be stopped. Just make sure you take action on this, as everyone the time we have is limited! So make haste and get busy....

Visit us at the happiness place for more inspiration.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What, me worry?

Good Day,

I occasionally hear about how worried people are these days - about the economy, the war in Iraq, the presidential race, name your poison I guess. To people who do that much worrying I ask "what does it get you?" I must admit I used to worry about a lot of things myself, especially when I was younger. I was a regular worry-wart, as my mother used to say.

What does it accomplish? What changes when you continuously worry about a certain event? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch, that's what. All it does is add stress to your life, put you in a bad mood, and in the grand scheme of things probably incurs great damage to your health as well. So why do we do it? I guess we're programmed from an early age to worry, most likely passed down from our parents (thanks, mom & dad!). If we pick up something like that when we're young, how hard do you think it is to stop doing as you get older? Yes, it's a habit by now. A habit that is probably pretty hard to break, too. Do you have the classic "stress lines" in your forehead? Yeah, you know what I mean. If you do, it's high time you started taking action to reverse the trend!

I know, "where do I start?" you say...well, next time you catch yourself worrying about something unnecessarily (as opposed to necessarily?) you must do something to break the state that you're in. Ask yourself why your are really worrying about this topic - say the bad economy just to make a point. What's the worst that could happen? Well, yes you could lose your job. If you're an auto worker or some industry that is already cutting back on workers, that could be a legitimate concern. If that's the case, why not take action in advance to try and diffuse that situation? Start looking for other options, either another job, or at least start to network so you are ready for the worst and can find out what the alternatives are. The thing about worry is, you can lessen it to a great extent just by being prepared, and eliminating the unknowns. That's what you're really worried about, right? The unknown situations in life, like how high is gas gonna go? Will I get laid off next month? Taking steps to proactively lessen the pain will automatically take away some of the unknowns, and hopefully make you worry less.

So you are a chronic worryer? Just stop it! Alright, that's easier said than done. All the planning and preparation in the world won't stop some people from worrying constantly. However, next time you catch yourself worrying do something, anything, to break your state of mind and say to yourself something like "this is pointless - worrying is stupid. I'm not going to think about this anymore" - and just move on. Think of something else, occupy your mind with good thoughts, like what's the best thing that might happen? They will discover a new source of energy that is nearly inexhaustible and cheap to replace gas, or that opportunity to start a new business and quit the rat-race is now a reality! Wishful thinking? You bet it is! I engage in it daily, and hardly ever worry. Try it sometime, you may find that breaking the worry habit is the first step in taking some measure of control in your life and happiness...

To your continued happiness and success!

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