What does it take to keep you going in the direction of your dreams? If you have a truly powerful desire to become a new person, or to accomplish something really great in your life, is that enough to get you there? Let me put it another way. We all have things in life we want, some more so than others. But true desire is not measured by mere “wishes”, is it? If you truly have desire for something, it will be on your mind nearly all the time. You cannot go one single day without thinking about it, in fact some would say you have an obsession! That is what a real desire is all about. Do you experience that on a regular basis?
I recently read a very inspirational quote relating to desire:
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek”. The reason I like it so much is that I also find desire is only the first step in achieving anything, we must also have the unrelenting persistence to keep going no matter what the circumstances. Many people start out with a strong desire to have something, or accomplish something great, but over time lose this desire due to setbacks or lack of motivation. Why is this so? No matter how strong your desire to have something, unless you develop the strongest possible attitude of determination and persistence, you are in danger of losing what you most desire.
I think that many people also feel that they don’t deserve the things they desire most – that they are somehow not worthy of great things in life. If you have that thought for even a second, do yourself a favor and punch yourself in the face. Then repeat over and over again “I am worthy of anything I desire in life” until you never have that thought again. (I’m joking, sort of ). But seriously, you must believe that anything is possible as long as you have the desire and persistence to follow through. Anything in life that is worth having is worth fighting for, and if you desire anything strong enough your happiness depends on seeing it through. There should be no question that you can have it, if your desire is strong enough. Don’t give yourself a chance to give up, or quit, for quitting is not an option. Turn your desire into the one thing in life you cannot live without, and your desire will not let you down.
To your continued success and happiness!
Visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for more inspiration!
I hope to accomplish a few things with this blog. First, to practice my writing skills and hopefully improve. Second, to express my need to expand my knowledge and with any luck pass on some knowledge to others. The basic premise is that we are all seeking happiness and truth, in fact everything we do has an intention of getting us closer to our own happiness in some way. To do this we develop goals, develop habits that are likely to be congruous to those goals, and happiness will follow.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What direction is your life going?
Hello again,
Today’s topic is “what direction are you going” – is it in the direction of where you wish to go due to a predetermined thought process? Or, are you just going in the direction away from what you don’t want in life? There’s a huge difference, pick the wrong choice and you are doomed to a life of mediocrity. If you say to yourself “I just want out of this crazy job!” every day, instead of actively working on a plan to make a different path for yourself, you are focusing on the wrong thing completely.
I know we all get off track now and again, but many people I speak with aren’t really focused in any specific direction most of the time. Why is that? Either they don’t have well-defined goals, or they become too caught up in the “minutia” of daily life, the problems, and the setbacks, and lose their focus. First, you must have specific goals that you want to either accomplish in the short term, or long term (hopefully both!). If you don’t have written goals, what path are you following to get where you want to go? This is so critical, if you don’t have a list of written goals I want you to stop reading this right now and go take 20 minutes to make one. Don’t worry, I’ll wait…
Ok, glad you got that accomplished! Ok, so now that you’re focused on what you want in life, you don’t have to worry at all about the other stuff, right? Well, not exactly. When things don’t work out the way we planned due to some unexpected result or event, we have the power to either acknowledge the situation and move on, or dwell on “why this crap always happens to me”. Say I’m working on a way to get myself a promotion at work, and things are looking pretty good. I have suggested some ways to save the company money, and even implemented some plan that will accomplish it with little overhead. The boss is happy, I’m looking good. Then the plan has a setback, unexpectedly, when it looks like it may cost more to implement than I planned. Do I give up? Of course not, I’m so close I can taste it. This is just a bump in the road, and I will just put my mind to work and figure out a way to do it for less.
You see we all have problems and setbacks, but how you deal with them is the difference between success and failure in life. If you have a direction that you know in your heart is what you want, nothing can stop you except you! Dealing with the little things is a piece of cake, right? You have to get to a point where they are all “little things”, because you are so focused on what you want that nothing even slows you down from reaching your goals. Don’t ever avoid problems, become a super-hero of problem solving! After you get good at facing and solving problems, your success is that much closer since you will have so much more time and energy to focus on your goals rather than on problems. That way you will spend the majority of your time chasing dreams, rather than running away from problems!
To your continued success and happiness!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
Today’s topic is “what direction are you going” – is it in the direction of where you wish to go due to a predetermined thought process? Or, are you just going in the direction away from what you don’t want in life? There’s a huge difference, pick the wrong choice and you are doomed to a life of mediocrity. If you say to yourself “I just want out of this crazy job!” every day, instead of actively working on a plan to make a different path for yourself, you are focusing on the wrong thing completely.
I know we all get off track now and again, but many people I speak with aren’t really focused in any specific direction most of the time. Why is that? Either they don’t have well-defined goals, or they become too caught up in the “minutia” of daily life, the problems, and the setbacks, and lose their focus. First, you must have specific goals that you want to either accomplish in the short term, or long term (hopefully both!). If you don’t have written goals, what path are you following to get where you want to go? This is so critical, if you don’t have a list of written goals I want you to stop reading this right now and go take 20 minutes to make one. Don’t worry, I’ll wait…
Ok, glad you got that accomplished! Ok, so now that you’re focused on what you want in life, you don’t have to worry at all about the other stuff, right? Well, not exactly. When things don’t work out the way we planned due to some unexpected result or event, we have the power to either acknowledge the situation and move on, or dwell on “why this crap always happens to me”. Say I’m working on a way to get myself a promotion at work, and things are looking pretty good. I have suggested some ways to save the company money, and even implemented some plan that will accomplish it with little overhead. The boss is happy, I’m looking good. Then the plan has a setback, unexpectedly, when it looks like it may cost more to implement than I planned. Do I give up? Of course not, I’m so close I can taste it. This is just a bump in the road, and I will just put my mind to work and figure out a way to do it for less.
You see we all have problems and setbacks, but how you deal with them is the difference between success and failure in life. If you have a direction that you know in your heart is what you want, nothing can stop you except you! Dealing with the little things is a piece of cake, right? You have to get to a point where they are all “little things”, because you are so focused on what you want that nothing even slows you down from reaching your goals. Don’t ever avoid problems, become a super-hero of problem solving! After you get good at facing and solving problems, your success is that much closer since you will have so much more time and energy to focus on your goals rather than on problems. That way you will spend the majority of your time chasing dreams, rather than running away from problems!
To your continued success and happiness!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ten Ways to Re-motivate Yourself
Good Day,
The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that needed attention, the usual). Now I look back and say “how could let myself do this?” I feel as if I accomplished very little, and it’s time to buckle down again, put nose to the grindstone, and get some serious work done! But, how do I do it?
What I need is a way to get “super-motivated”, so I came up with a list of ways to really pile on the motivation. I came up with 10 pretty good ones, most of which I already was utilizing at least some of the time. Let me know if you have some more, I’m always trying to extend this list!
#1 – Change your routine - wake up earlier and be more productive. I usually try to get up at least one hour before l must leave for work, in order to do some quick exercises, go over my plan for the day, and make sure I’m ready to rock n’ roll first thing. I like to change this routine occasionally, so I don’t get in a rut. Even making an extra 20-25 minutes to prepare can leave you in a better mood to start the day.
#2 – Listen to motivational audio on the way to work. Or, if you work at home as I do sometimes, listen as you get ready to work. There are many motivational CD recordings out there, I use ones from Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, or Bob Proctor, but there are many good ones out there.
#3 – List to inspirational music! I don’t know about you, but nothing gets my blood pumping faster than great music that I love, such as some good Eric Clapton, Green Day, or other hard rock. But anything you have an emotional connection with will work, it’s like magic to pick up your mood.
#4 – Utilize self-talk or affirmations. I do a whole list of affirmations in the mornings, and usually at night as well. But any kind of positive self-talk can really motivate you if used correctly, it’s what you say to yourself that makes the difference.
#5 – Stay away from negative people. This may sound kind of cruel or unkind, but hey, let’s be honest. If you any friends that are really bringing you down, you must either let them know about it and hope they change, or stay away. Life is too short to hang around negative people, and don’t’ think it won’t affect you because eventually it will!
#6 – Take a positive action. Think about what you have been meaning to start, or stop recently. Something you have been putting off, maybe? Take that trip to the gym, start that new diet, finish that book you started 6 months ago, anything really. Just taking a positive direction towards something makes you feel more in control of things, which boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.
#7 – Start an exercise routine. Ok, I kind of covered this in the last point but it’s really important. This is critical to your physical and mental health, exercise is not an option it is a mandate. If you exercise regularly you will automatically add many years to your life and improve your outlook on life.
#8 – Try zero-based thinking. This is a simple but powerful concept to change your thought process. Is there anything in your life that you would stop doing, looking at the big picture? If you had to go back and do it again, would you? This can apply to a business, a hobby, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a choice you made on something that takes your time and energy. If you wouldn’t do it again, stop doing it now!
#9 – Reevaluate your schedule. Take a serious look at every little thing you do every day for a week. Are you wasting a significant amount of time doing something of little value? Either eliminate if from your life, or drastically cut down on this task or habit. Sometimes just rearranging your schedule can save you time as well, such as doing a “high-value” task early in the day while you’re wide awake and full of energy instead of after lunch when you’re tired.
#10 – Reward yourself. Sometimes it really helps to reward yourself after making a great effort. Why? Because psychologically a reward gives us a boost of pleasure after something that takes extra effort, which will encourage us to do it again. Sounds like “psyching” yourself out, right? Yes, you can fool yourself, although don’t take it to extremes or you will be doing more rewarding than working on moving forward.
These are just a few suggestions, I’m sure you can get creative and think of more. In fact I would encourage it! The more you can get in the habit of boosting your motivation, the more you will accomplish. In turn, you will boost your confidence in reaching the goals you have set for yourself and move faster and farther than you ever thought possible!
To your continued success and happiness!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that needed attention, the usual). Now I look back and say “how could let myself do this?” I feel as if I accomplished very little, and it’s time to buckle down again, put nose to the grindstone, and get some serious work done! But, how do I do it?
What I need is a way to get “super-motivated”, so I came up with a list of ways to really pile on the motivation. I came up with 10 pretty good ones, most of which I already was utilizing at least some of the time. Let me know if you have some more, I’m always trying to extend this list!
#1 – Change your routine - wake up earlier and be more productive. I usually try to get up at least one hour before l must leave for work, in order to do some quick exercises, go over my plan for the day, and make sure I’m ready to rock n’ roll first thing. I like to change this routine occasionally, so I don’t get in a rut. Even making an extra 20-25 minutes to prepare can leave you in a better mood to start the day.
#2 – Listen to motivational audio on the way to work. Or, if you work at home as I do sometimes, listen as you get ready to work. There are many motivational CD recordings out there, I use ones from Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, or Bob Proctor, but there are many good ones out there.
#3 – List to inspirational music! I don’t know about you, but nothing gets my blood pumping faster than great music that I love, such as some good Eric Clapton, Green Day, or other hard rock. But anything you have an emotional connection with will work, it’s like magic to pick up your mood.
#4 – Utilize self-talk or affirmations. I do a whole list of affirmations in the mornings, and usually at night as well. But any kind of positive self-talk can really motivate you if used correctly, it’s what you say to yourself that makes the difference.
#5 – Stay away from negative people. This may sound kind of cruel or unkind, but hey, let’s be honest. If you any friends that are really bringing you down, you must either let them know about it and hope they change, or stay away. Life is too short to hang around negative people, and don’t’ think it won’t affect you because eventually it will!
#6 – Take a positive action. Think about what you have been meaning to start, or stop recently. Something you have been putting off, maybe? Take that trip to the gym, start that new diet, finish that book you started 6 months ago, anything really. Just taking a positive direction towards something makes you feel more in control of things, which boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.
#7 – Start an exercise routine. Ok, I kind of covered this in the last point but it’s really important. This is critical to your physical and mental health, exercise is not an option it is a mandate. If you exercise regularly you will automatically add many years to your life and improve your outlook on life.
#8 – Try zero-based thinking. This is a simple but powerful concept to change your thought process. Is there anything in your life that you would stop doing, looking at the big picture? If you had to go back and do it again, would you? This can apply to a business, a hobby, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a choice you made on something that takes your time and energy. If you wouldn’t do it again, stop doing it now!
#9 – Reevaluate your schedule. Take a serious look at every little thing you do every day for a week. Are you wasting a significant amount of time doing something of little value? Either eliminate if from your life, or drastically cut down on this task or habit. Sometimes just rearranging your schedule can save you time as well, such as doing a “high-value” task early in the day while you’re wide awake and full of energy instead of after lunch when you’re tired.
#10 – Reward yourself. Sometimes it really helps to reward yourself after making a great effort. Why? Because psychologically a reward gives us a boost of pleasure after something that takes extra effort, which will encourage us to do it again. Sounds like “psyching” yourself out, right? Yes, you can fool yourself, although don’t take it to extremes or you will be doing more rewarding than working on moving forward.
These are just a few suggestions, I’m sure you can get creative and think of more. In fact I would encourage it! The more you can get in the habit of boosting your motivation, the more you will accomplish. In turn, you will boost your confidence in reaching the goals you have set for yourself and move faster and farther than you ever thought possible!
To your continued success and happiness!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happiness in a Relative World
Good day,
With all of the bad things happening in our country right now (the stock market crashing, the banks and mortgage companies failing, jobs being lost, you know what I mean) I was thinking how many people out there are effected negatively by this? As a people, are we generally less happy when our economy is doing badly?
My first guess would be “duh”, yeah! But when you look closer at the numbers, I can’t believe an overwhelming number of people are really that badly hurt right now by these financial catastrophes. If you work for a bank, are laid off from your job, or just lost your home to foreclosure, of course I don’t mean you. I feel very badly that so many people are going through these things. Nevertheless, statistically that is only a small number of people. If about 2 million houses went into foreclosure last year (which is a record I believe) that still only represents less than 2 percent of the total U.S. households. That is a whole lot of people affected mind you, but not anywhere near the majority of households in the country. Once again, the people that are feeling the pinch of this downturn are surely going through hard times, and I sympathize greatly.
What about the rest of us that are relatively unscathed by the housing crisis? Sure, our 401K’s have tanked. But in talking to many people the past month or so, I hear many say how depressing this stuff is. Gas prices are at record levels, groceries prices are skyrocketing, and most people aren’t getting much of a pay increase either due to business concerns. You read in the news every day about the desperation, how it is affecting our lifestyle, we have to make massive changes to cope with economic “meltdown”. Granted things are pretty bad right now, but if you have a roof over your head, your family has food every day, and you have the security of knowing a single phone call can bring the police or fire department to your door, how badly do we really have it? I’m just saying try to keep things in some perspective, that’s all.
Ok, switch gears for a second. Pretend you live in a small island nation somewhere in the Pacific where there is barely enough food to eat, houses are made of tree branches with thatched roofs, and the only clothes you have are the ones your mother made for you. No stores like Walmart, or any grocery stores, no corner gas station, no car in fact since you walk everywhere. Living a simple life like this, would you imagine you would be happy? If not, then why not? Just think about it a minute. I make the case that people with this lifestyle are 10 times happier than the average U.S. citizen. For one thing, in their experience nobody in the entire village ever had television, or a cell phone, or any other of the “modern conveniences” that we take for granted, right? So their expectations of what tomorrow will bring are vastly different from ours here in America. Their whole perspective on life is so different, that their happiness must literally be measured on a different scale than ours! Their scale of happiness contains things like having their favorite fish for dinner, going for a leisurely swim in the ocean, working up a sweat while felling trees to help a neighbor build a new hut. Not only that, I would imagine their concept of community is completely different from ours as well. In a small village, you know everybody! You could have several hundred close friends, all helping each other and living for the benefit of the community rather than scratching to get their share as individuals. Are their choices limited? Of course, but that doesn’t limit their happiness. As human beings, we’re as happy as we decide to be for the most part. But everyone has a different scale of happiness depending on the circumstances provided for them at birth. Can that be changed? Sure, if someone from this small island nation moves to a large city, their whole happiness scale would change due to the expansion of their experiences and newfound host of options. Would it be a change for the better? I’m guessing not, but that would depend on how they reacted to this massive influx of sights, sounds, and just plain information overload. If that person takes the newfound changes in stride and looks at it as a positive experience, eventually they may learn to be just as happy.
That is precisely my point – happiness has nothing to do with how much money you have, or how big your house is, or what car you drive. It has to do with how you feel about your circumstances in life, which is totally dependent on your personal perspective. So next time some small inconvenience causes you to go ballistic, or you feel exasperated due to some five-cent rise in gas, stop yourself and think about how insignificant most dad to day details like this are. Don’t set a goal to be happy in the future, do your best to be happy now. It may take some practice, but believe me it’s well worth it. Strive to set goals and make your life better, but never forget to be happy now.
To your continued happiness and success!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
With all of the bad things happening in our country right now (the stock market crashing, the banks and mortgage companies failing, jobs being lost, you know what I mean) I was thinking how many people out there are effected negatively by this? As a people, are we generally less happy when our economy is doing badly?
My first guess would be “duh”, yeah! But when you look closer at the numbers, I can’t believe an overwhelming number of people are really that badly hurt right now by these financial catastrophes. If you work for a bank, are laid off from your job, or just lost your home to foreclosure, of course I don’t mean you. I feel very badly that so many people are going through these things. Nevertheless, statistically that is only a small number of people. If about 2 million houses went into foreclosure last year (which is a record I believe) that still only represents less than 2 percent of the total U.S. households. That is a whole lot of people affected mind you, but not anywhere near the majority of households in the country. Once again, the people that are feeling the pinch of this downturn are surely going through hard times, and I sympathize greatly.
What about the rest of us that are relatively unscathed by the housing crisis? Sure, our 401K’s have tanked. But in talking to many people the past month or so, I hear many say how depressing this stuff is. Gas prices are at record levels, groceries prices are skyrocketing, and most people aren’t getting much of a pay increase either due to business concerns. You read in the news every day about the desperation, how it is affecting our lifestyle, we have to make massive changes to cope with economic “meltdown”. Granted things are pretty bad right now, but if you have a roof over your head, your family has food every day, and you have the security of knowing a single phone call can bring the police or fire department to your door, how badly do we really have it? I’m just saying try to keep things in some perspective, that’s all.
Ok, switch gears for a second. Pretend you live in a small island nation somewhere in the Pacific where there is barely enough food to eat, houses are made of tree branches with thatched roofs, and the only clothes you have are the ones your mother made for you. No stores like Walmart, or any grocery stores, no corner gas station, no car in fact since you walk everywhere. Living a simple life like this, would you imagine you would be happy? If not, then why not? Just think about it a minute. I make the case that people with this lifestyle are 10 times happier than the average U.S. citizen. For one thing, in their experience nobody in the entire village ever had television, or a cell phone, or any other of the “modern conveniences” that we take for granted, right? So their expectations of what tomorrow will bring are vastly different from ours here in America. Their whole perspective on life is so different, that their happiness must literally be measured on a different scale than ours! Their scale of happiness contains things like having their favorite fish for dinner, going for a leisurely swim in the ocean, working up a sweat while felling trees to help a neighbor build a new hut. Not only that, I would imagine their concept of community is completely different from ours as well. In a small village, you know everybody! You could have several hundred close friends, all helping each other and living for the benefit of the community rather than scratching to get their share as individuals. Are their choices limited? Of course, but that doesn’t limit their happiness. As human beings, we’re as happy as we decide to be for the most part. But everyone has a different scale of happiness depending on the circumstances provided for them at birth. Can that be changed? Sure, if someone from this small island nation moves to a large city, their whole happiness scale would change due to the expansion of their experiences and newfound host of options. Would it be a change for the better? I’m guessing not, but that would depend on how they reacted to this massive influx of sights, sounds, and just plain information overload. If that person takes the newfound changes in stride and looks at it as a positive experience, eventually they may learn to be just as happy.
That is precisely my point – happiness has nothing to do with how much money you have, or how big your house is, or what car you drive. It has to do with how you feel about your circumstances in life, which is totally dependent on your personal perspective. So next time some small inconvenience causes you to go ballistic, or you feel exasperated due to some five-cent rise in gas, stop yourself and think about how insignificant most dad to day details like this are. Don’t set a goal to be happy in the future, do your best to be happy now. It may take some practice, but believe me it’s well worth it. Strive to set goals and make your life better, but never forget to be happy now.
To your continued happiness and success!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
Change your definition of failure
The other day I was watching a football game (it’s September as I write this, ok?) and I was thinking how difficult it must be for a team to do well the entire game, only to see the opposing team take the lead in the final seconds of the game. How demoralizing! How does a person, let alone a whole team, stay focused enough to try one more time to go down the field and score again to win, knowing they have only seconds to do it. After all, they have been working so hard all game, and now that they have less than a minute to go, the other team is winning! Would you have the drive to do it one more time? The odds are against the team, after all, of driving about 75 yards and even scoring a field goal. On this day, the team did it. I won’t mention what team, it doesn’t matter. The point is they “found a way”, somehow, to get it done one more time!
You may say “what does that have to do with my life?” After all, a professional athlete is paid millions to do his job. I would give it my best effort every minute too if I knew I was cashing those monster checks! However, do you really think that money is the prime motivator in life? Even if it was, you have to start at the bottom in any business or endeavor, even as a football player. You work hard, sacrifice, and hope to get to the top someday, but what role do setbacks play in your hopes for achieving success? Are you prepared for a few setbacks? Maybe you are one of those that try something new, and at the first sign of “failure” says it just isn’t going to work for you? I hope not, because that is surely teaching yourself to be a loser!If you give up after only a few tries, aren’t you programming yourself for future failure? The best way to avoid failure is to never give up, fight until you win!
Let me tell you a little story of man who never gave up. I’m sure you’ve heard these stories before, like Thomas Edison trying almost 10,000 times before he finally perfected the light bulb. But this is a story of a man most people never heard of, and never will beyond this letter. His name is Maxcy Filer and he is from California. He always wanted to be an attorney, so in the 1950’s he went to law school and eventually graduated. He was an intelligent man, and very hardworking, but just didn’t “test well” as they say. He first took the California bar exam in 1966, when his two boys were in elementary school. He didn’t pass. Therefore, he tried again, and again, and again….He eventually took the test 48 times, after spending an estimated $50,000 dollars on fees, bar review course, etc. and finally passed the test! By this time, it was 1991 and nearly 25 years later. His boys were already grown by then, and were lawyers themselves. Now this wasn’t an easy test, the test requires examinees to pass a 300-question multi-state multiple-choice section, two three-hour performance tests, and a plethora of specialized essays on state and federal law topics ranging from community property to criminal procedure. This is the most incredible example of perseverance I can personally think of and drives home the point entirely, which is you only experience failure when you admit failure! Maxcy never gave up, and kept on telling himself “next time, next time” until he finally did it. Would you have given up sooner? Next time you think about quitting anything from a diet plan, to project at work, to that goal of getting your bachelors degree or masters, think of Maxcy Filers story. What does it take to be a winner?
The courage to never give up, that’s what it takes!
To your continued success and happiness!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
You may say “what does that have to do with my life?” After all, a professional athlete is paid millions to do his job. I would give it my best effort every minute too if I knew I was cashing those monster checks! However, do you really think that money is the prime motivator in life? Even if it was, you have to start at the bottom in any business or endeavor, even as a football player. You work hard, sacrifice, and hope to get to the top someday, but what role do setbacks play in your hopes for achieving success? Are you prepared for a few setbacks? Maybe you are one of those that try something new, and at the first sign of “failure” says it just isn’t going to work for you? I hope not, because that is surely teaching yourself to be a loser!If you give up after only a few tries, aren’t you programming yourself for future failure? The best way to avoid failure is to never give up, fight until you win!
Let me tell you a little story of man who never gave up. I’m sure you’ve heard these stories before, like Thomas Edison trying almost 10,000 times before he finally perfected the light bulb. But this is a story of a man most people never heard of, and never will beyond this letter. His name is Maxcy Filer and he is from California. He always wanted to be an attorney, so in the 1950’s he went to law school and eventually graduated. He was an intelligent man, and very hardworking, but just didn’t “test well” as they say. He first took the California bar exam in 1966, when his two boys were in elementary school. He didn’t pass. Therefore, he tried again, and again, and again….He eventually took the test 48 times, after spending an estimated $50,000 dollars on fees, bar review course, etc. and finally passed the test! By this time, it was 1991 and nearly 25 years later. His boys were already grown by then, and were lawyers themselves. Now this wasn’t an easy test, the test requires examinees to pass a 300-question multi-state multiple-choice section, two three-hour performance tests, and a plethora of specialized essays on state and federal law topics ranging from community property to criminal procedure. This is the most incredible example of perseverance I can personally think of and drives home the point entirely, which is you only experience failure when you admit failure! Maxcy never gave up, and kept on telling himself “next time, next time” until he finally did it. Would you have given up sooner? Next time you think about quitting anything from a diet plan, to project at work, to that goal of getting your bachelors degree or masters, think of Maxcy Filers story. What does it take to be a winner?
The courage to never give up, that’s what it takes!
To your continued success and happiness!
Don’t forget to visit us at http://getpassionforlife.com for regular updates!
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