Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Off the wall.

Good Day,

Ok, so I wanted to change things up a little bit today. I'm working from my home and there's nothing really to do, so I'm going to blog while getting paid! Oh, snap I love this country...Anyway I thought it would also be a good day to change the subject alittle bit, and now I'm contemplating several topics - one of which is "how does time fly by so frickin fast!". I just noticed that May 08' is almost over, and summer is nearly here. Since I'm in Florida, it's hot as hell (literally) already so it may as well be summer. It (time flying, not summer) hasn't always been this way though, I remember growing up and wondering why time was so slow. I guess when you're bored silly, and your little mind can't stop running 150 MPH then time seems to go much slower, right?

Fast forward to 2008 and I'm 50 years old - now I feel like time is going so fast I should soon be choosing burial plots and a suitable coffin. What is suitable these days? I'm thinking it's easier to creamate and go with a vase...never mind! I don't need to get on that subject. I have way too much living to do! That is the real focus of my blog, my life. Not only to document it but to help me to track progress, and see where my thoughts are at any given time. So what am I doing with my time? Well, right now I'm in the middle of an ebook training class that will teach me how to not only create but also market and sell ebooks. It seems that the marketing end of things is what I need to learn most, so I'm concentrating on that first and foremost. I've already written an ebook, and have my website up and running at Yes, it's crude, but it's meant to be only a sales pitch/marketing page and nothing more. Nothing fancy for me, not neccessary to sell ebooks. So while working on this project, I'm also looking at other ways of making money either online or by means that don't involve driving to work each day and spending life in a cubicle. Sounds familiar probably to some of you! Yes, that is the goal, to be free of the 9 to 5 forever...

Sorry, I got off track there a little bit. No matter - time is flying for me since I'm so busy. Besides the new business, going to the gym religously several times a week and working out at home, playing guitar to improve that skill, and trying to have a social life, my entire schedule is pretty packed. Of course sleep is in there too, along with eating. Spending time with my daughter is also of great importance, and communicating with my son in Iraq is also very high on the priority list. The thing is I don't get to pick the amount of time I spend with my kids, since one is grown and living halfway around the world and the other lives in another county with her mother. Which only means I have to maximize my time with them when possible, which will happen with my daughter this summer. She is coming here to live with me and go to summer camp in town, so that will be a very positive thing for both of us. I realize my time is limited since she is growing up fast as well, so I plan on making the most of that month with her. I will of course write about it here! Anyway, the point is (I think) that time flies when you're busy, when you're sitting around picking your nose or scratchin' your ass it goes by like molasses. Or whatever snappy analogy you may use...anyway hope your day flies by, until next time, I'm out of here.

To your continued happiness and success!

visit my website at:

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