Hello again,
Yes, it's been quite awhile since I wrote in this blog - about 2 months or so. I should be thoroughly embarrassed. And yet, I'm not. (btw, does the word "embarrassed" mean "with bare ass" in Greek?). I have been working very hard, and as you can see, my mind wanders sometimes. No, I can't claim ADD. I'm not dyslexic either, or just mentally unstable. I have been working on a plan to start a new website and got severely sidetracked.
What's that you say? Yes, I know blogs are meant to be updated daily. I got the memo a long time ago. I promise I will try harder, and come up with many, many ways that we can all improve our lives and become better people and not be so damn lazy all the time. Oops, did I say that out loud? Yes, I feel sometimes I am lazy, even though I do put in at least 60 hours or more (usually more) a week. That includes my regular job of course which is 40 hours, so really my business I only work about 20-30 hours per week. Which is pathetic, I know. For anybody that knows how much it takes to start a successful business, that is truly pathetic. That is why I'm writing this now. I need something to hold my feet to the fire, so to speak. Wait - what a brilliant idea! I will literally build a fire and scorch my feet everyday to remind me to work harder.
Ok, that may get dicey. Spending time in a hospital won't solve any problems, so I must think of another way. How can I motivate myself every day? I have tried the "think of how great your life will be" tactic, reminding myself how fantastic my freedom will be once I make enough money online to quit my JOB. (that means Just Over Broke, for you novices). Since that only works for awhile, I started thinking how miserable I would be if I didn't ever reach my goals. Since that is too depressing, I stopped doing that quickly. They say that we all move towards what we want, and away from what we don't want in life. However, once you "stabilize" to a middle ground, it's harder and harder to keep pushing yourself either way. The human mind wants to find a comfortable middle ground somewhere, so it's not constantly under the stress of pushing harder. The bad part is, if you don't keep pushing harder, you never get better, and if you don't get better, well it seems the status quo is kept. That is bad.
So I'm going to have to drastically change something in my thinking process to allow me to keep pushing harder, but at the same time be able to destress enough to not get burned out on it. Keep up the hard work but at the same time mix things up enough to remain creative, calm and confident. I know it can be done. I'm visualizing it as we speak. Ok as I write. Don't get picky - I know it is just a blog, but it's my life too. My next blog will detail improvements and how the whole process is shaping up. It is getting better, I feel that for certain.
I hope to accomplish a few things with this blog. First, to practice my writing skills and hopefully improve. Second, to express my need to expand my knowledge and with any luck pass on some knowledge to others. The basic premise is that we are all seeking happiness and truth, in fact everything we do has an intention of getting us closer to our own happiness in some way. To do this we develop goals, develop habits that are likely to be congruous to those goals, and happiness will follow.