Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are you a rocket?

Hello again,

I’ve been thinking recently about the past year and my struggle to get where I’m at in my business, and the amount of work that’s been involved. When I think about how little I knew a year ago, not only about how websites work, how to write and publish a newsletter, how to get traffic to my website, etc. it just seems like I’ve come so far. I was just so clueless!

Of course I never had my doubts I could get this far, because I’ve been setting my goals, working my plan and doing the research to find out how others have done it. Looking back on every thing I’ve had to do, it seems like things started out very difficult and confusing. As I gained knowledge I started to make “tweaks” in my plan, cutting corners as I went along. I even took a different direction for a while, just to see if something might work better another way. It took some time to “wrap my head” around some new concepts such as internet marketing, how search engines work, and other details of the business, but I hung in there and dedicated myself to learning. The funny thing is, it’s gotten much easier – like I’ve gained speed or momentum along the way somehow. No doubt about it, it wasn’t easy.

I guess this is similar to what it takes to make a rocket ship take off and leave the earths gravity, where a huge amount of energy is expended at first to leave the ground. As the rocket tries to lift off the ground, it is burning a massive amount of fuel just to escape gravity – this phenomenon is called “inertia”. The definition from American Heritage Dictionary: Physics the tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight-line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force. For me that initial energy was huge, and the more I learned and the more progress I made, the easier it became! Now that it’s been a year since I’ve been doing this, I’m at the point where I feel things are flowing so much better, I take for granted certain skills that I had no knowledge of last year. Even writing is easier, although I must say I’m not completely free of the gravitational pull on that subject!
Are you afraid to start something new, like going back to college at night, begin a new career path, undertake an exercise program, or even start a business, because you’re afraid of how long it will take to gain the skill or knowledge to get competent? Look at it this way – what are your choices? You can keep doing what you have been doing and get the same results, or you can make a decision to change direction and start that new career or business (or whatever) right now without hesitation. Will it take time? Of course it will. Will it get easier as time goes on? Of course it will! As you gain momentum, the skills you are learning will become more embedded in your brain, along with pure knowledge of this new subject you’ve undertaken. You must get take the steps to “get off the ground” first. Once you really get off the ground, you will gain speed and take off like a rocket, reaching new heights that you thought were impossible before. Confidence soars, you start to feel almost invincible! This can be such a life-changing experience, effecting other areas of your life in a positive way as well. Once you have success in one or two areas, things you have been putting off before suddenly look very much within your reach. I implore you, find your passion today – whatever it is, and take steps to get off the ground now. Don’t be like most others, sitting on the launch pad all your life. Rocket yourself to success!

To your continued success and happiness!

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Importance of reevaluating our goals

Good Day,

I've been thinking lately about the tasks I'm working on, and the path I've taken in the past few months in pursuing my goals. Goals are a wonderful thing, they keep us on track (so to speak) and allow us a method of measuring our progress. Of course, that is only if your goals come with a real plan of action attached. If you just have some generic list of goals you wish to achieve, with no time-line or plan, then that's merely a "wish-list", isn't it?

My major goal right now is to make enough money at my business to leave my full-time job, and I have other peripheral goals as well. Do they stay static? No, as I contemplate each goal and work on them, strange things happen sometimes. Like I will be reading a new book that points to a specific way of reaching people, or getting more people to link to my site, or a new marketing plan of some kind. All of sudden I'm changing things on my website, my blog, and in my plan of action. Is that a good thing? I think so, absolutely. If you have a specific list of action items in your plan, and all of a sudden you realize you can cut out several steps, why not do it? Of course that's only logical.

OK, in another way, how about if something on your goals list is suddenly not so important anymore? I don't know about you, but I sometimes have these revelations where this giant light bulb goes off. Suddenly you're thinking, "what was I thinking? I don't need to have that"! Strike it from the list, pronto. Is this a major change in beliefs, or values, or a paradigm shift in your life pattern? No, probably not. Reevaluating is a regular routine, I think we all do it. It's a growth process, if you will. And after all this is about growth, isn't it? If you're learning something new every day, your subconscious is probably doing some reevaluating for you even if you're not aware of it. Isn't that how it works? We make our list of goals, strike out to pursue them, and in the process end up with something slightly different after the process is in motion.

The flip side of this, is when some folks change their minds like the wind. This is something totally different! If you completely change your major goals on a regular basis, maybe that's because you haven't really given them enough thought to begin with. I know some people that go to college, take a year or two of "general" courses, then change their major. That can be a good thing, especially with the amount of money you are investing in it. But if you can't quite figure out what you really want to do with your life, even a direction to get started, then by all means take some serious soul-searching time and find out. Lock yourself away in a cabin in the woods for a few days, get away from everybody that may influence your decision. No one can help you with this one, it's all you! It sounds amazing, but I think many people truly don't know what would make them happy. That's why sitting down, making a list, and even recreating that list every few days, is a great idea. I like to review my list occasionally, and sometimes a change is necessary. That reminds me, I think I need to check my list later. It's been about you? If you don't even have one, just for kicks sit down and make one. You may be shocked at how little your brain really knows what you want in life!

To your continued success and happiness!

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