Hello again,
Ok, what a stunningly controversial question that is - is it good or bad to be rich? I guess that depends on which side of the coin you currently reside, right? If you're rich, it's a good thing. If you're middle-class (admittedly tougher to define these days) it's either good or bad depending on 1) how you were raised or 2) what your political beliefs are, or 3) whether you are currently hell-bent on being rich.
But if you're struggling to feed your family, or losing you home to foreclosure, you would think being at least somewhat rich(er) would help right? I've found that even some of the worst poor in this country still hate rich people, I guess because they believe their ship will never come in anyway. Does that make sense?
Now I'm not going to try and moralize either way, but if you truly think having a large sum of money makes you bad, you are basically saying you would never, ever want to be rich. Right? Because that's bad. Since when is wealth a bad thing? Can't you actually do good things with money? I always thought so. However, in this country there seems to be a dichotomy in thinking about the subject - we all would like to be rich, but many people still take jabs at the rich for some reason. Is it jealousy? Perhaps, but even some rich people seem to want to not discuss how rich they are.
Case in point (and I'm not picking on John) - recently John McCain was asked how many houses he owns. He kind of danced around the answer, deferring to his "people" for an answer so he wouldn't look too, well, rich. I think he was caught off guard, and didn't want to come out with an answer because he obviously has several houses. Is that bad? Of course not, but for a politician to admit he is wealthy on camera is almost political suicide! Why? Does he feel guilty? Should he feel guilty? Guilty of owning something that probably 90% of Americans wish they owned, namely some rental property or investment property to help stave off inflation? How sad, that we can't just be honest about what we want. What is going on here...
Are you that way? In private wishing that you had stockpiles of cash, a nice new car, and perhaps some investment property to help with your financial situation. But telling everybody publicly that you think "rich people are so greedy!" or "don't those people have enough money already, now they want a tax break too?". I hope you don't think that way, because first of all if that is what you truly believe then you should stop and get a grip on your values and beliefs. Are you truly acting in harmony with your deepest beliefs, or are you acting as if you wish to be more wealthy while (subconsciously) thinking that all rich people are bad or greedy?
Let's get one thing straight, being rich doesn't make you bad any more than being poor makes you good. Does that make sense? If your financial situation alone was the most significant indicator of your moral compass, what a crazy mixed-up world we would live in! Think about it, you must know people that have great wealth that give away millions to charity every year, right? If not, email me and I'll send you a list. By the same token, we probably have known or met people of less than "stellar" morals and behaviours that are poor, no doubt. Please stop thinking these two are related in any way, and just get on with your purpose in life. Which by now I hope you've discovered is to be the best person you possibly can be, give as much of yourself to the world around as you possibly can, and love everyone in your life every day. Oh, and be happy...almost forgot that one!
To your continued success and happiness!
visit my website at: http://getpassionforlife.com